[rfc] pulling of new revisions after merge makes two branches identical?
Martin Pool
mbp at canonical.com
Mon Jun 5 11:25:07 BST 2006
On 5 Jun 2006, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> wrote:
> [bzr.exe 0.8.2]
> I have following situation: I have 2 branches (main branch and bugfix
> branch). Bugfix branched from main and have some commits, then merge
> latest revisions from main and again have some commits. E.g., revisions
> tree something like this:
> main: A - C - D ------?
> \ \ /
> bugfix: B - E - F - H
> If I do 'bzr pull' from main branch then I don't get message 'Branches
> are diverged try merge' and pull makes two branches identical at the
> point where I mark by '?'. Sometimes this is not desired behaviour.
> I suppose that newest revisons as (F,H on my diagram) will be added at
> top of main, but not replace them completely.
> I.e. I faulty expect new main history as: A-C-D-F-H
> Instead I have new main history as: A-B-E-F-H
> Is this intended behaviour or I miss something or this is a bug?
> I think, I remember that in older bzr versions this trick was impossible?
> I think sometimes this behaviour is good, but sometimes -- not. And I
> cannot revert this pull operation and this last fact is the worst thing
> in this situation.
This is now the intended behaviour: when you do a pull, you don't just
converge on the same revision but also on the same revision-history.
This is a change from what previously happened, where you would have
different revision histories leading up to the same point. There are
cases where either would seem preferable.
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