read only support for mercurial repositories

Erik Bågfors zindar at
Thu Jun 1 08:11:50 BST 2006

On 6/1/06, Robert Collins <robertc at> wrote:
> I thought a good way to prepare for the meeting we're having in London
> would be to do something with the hg codebase, something that would
> require me to look at a reasonable spread of it, come to detailed grips
> with the design etc...
> So I taught bzr how to commit to an hg tree, and how to pull from an hg
> branch.
> The plugin for this is at
> You'll need my non-dotbzr-control-dir patch for for this to
> work. (see my prior email, or merge in
> I wouldn't call this complete by any stretch, but it should happy suck
> all the data out of an hg repository. (It does not yet support branch
> from an hg url, you need to do 'bzr init && bzr pull URL')
> I've built this against hg 0.9, which isn't in dapper - if you download
> their tarball from
> and unpack
> it, then do an inplace build : 'python build_ext -i' you can
> use it without installing by adding the dir to your PYTHONPATH.
> I.e. I run bzr with this as "PYTHONPATH=../mercurial-0.9
> ~/source/baz/hg-repo/bzr"
> Currently it does not support http transports to pull from. I expect
> this is just a 'small matter of code' - the hard part, converting the
> data model on the fly - is done for manifests -> inventories, and file
> revisions -> inventory entry.revision fields.

Really Cool

what about branches that has multiple heads, something that is
possible  in hg but not in bzr?


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