[PATCH] (updated) Use the first line of commit message in "log --line"

Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at imag.fr
Wed May 31 08:50:54 BST 2006

Here's the updated patch.

Regarding the "\n" escaping, my current decision is that it's not
worth the trouble. -m is very handy for one-line summary, but the
shell's multi-line edition or a real text editor is probably much
better for multi-line messages anyway.

I think it's ready for merging. We can consider adding a -s, --summary
option later if people ask for it.


=== modified file 'bzrlib/log.py'                                                                                                           
--- bzrlib/log.py                                                                                                                           
+++ bzrlib/log.py       
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@
             out.append("%d:" % revno)
         out.append(self.truncate(self.short_committer(rev), 20))
-        out.append(self.message(rev).replace('\n', ' '))
+        out.append(rev.get_summary())
         return self.truncate(" ".join(out).rstrip('\n'), max_chars)

=== modified file 'bzrlib/revision.py'
--- bzrlib/revision.py                                                                                                                      
+++ bzrlib/revision.py  
@@ -101,6 +101,11 @@
         return reversed_result
+    def get_summary(self):
+        """Get the first line of the log message for this revision.
+        """
+        return ''.join(self.message.split('\n', 1)[:1])
 def is_ancestor(revision_id, candidate_id, branch):
     """Return true if candidate_id is an ancestor of revision_id.

=== modified file 'bzrlib/tests/blackbox/test_too_much.py'
--- bzrlib/tests/blackbox/test_too_much.py                                                                                                  
+++ bzrlib/tests/blackbox/test_too_much.py      
@@ -831,7 +831,8 @@
         max_width = terminal_width() - 1
         for line in log_out.splitlines():
             self.assert_(len(line) <= max_width, len(line))
-        self.assert_("this is my new commit and" in log_out)
+        self.assert_("this is my new commit and" not in log_out)
+        self.assert_("this is my new commit" in log_out)
         progress("file with spaces in name")
         mkdir('sub directory')

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