PluginRegistry updates

Michael Ellerman michael at
Wed May 31 07:17:55 BST 2006

On 5/31/06, Aaron Bentley < at> wrote:
> John Whitley wrote:
> | * From Aaron's Bzrtools 0.8 announcement from 5/9, it also appears  that
> | Michael Ellerman's shelf
> |   work has been integrated into the release.  If this is correct,
> | should the shelf entry on
> |   PluginRegistry be updated to point at the BzrTools page instead of  at
> | Michael's shelf dev
> |   branch?
> Shelf has been part of bzrtools since June 2005, which I believe was
> before this entry was added.  What I announced on 5/9 was that I had
> updated bzrtools to the latest version of Shelf.  Michael continues to
> develop shelf on its own branch, so I think it makes sense to note that
> it's included in bzrtools but has a separate development branch.  So
> there's nothing to change.


What I think would be handy is if someone has the time, to go through
and work out which plugins work with 0.7/0.8/dev and note that on the
wiki page. I think all mine are ok as they're all pretty trivial, but
I haven't really tested them properly.


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