Feature request: "bzr check-install"
Matthieu Moy
Matthieu.Moy at imag.fr
Wed May 31 06:33:26 BST 2006
I've just installed bzr on an "old" Fedora Core 2, which had none of
bzr's dependancies or recommandation as .rpm package.
It was quite a pain indeed: after "bzr" started to work, I still had
to install paramiko, which itself didn't work until I installed
pycrypto (giving no relevant error message, so a beginner would have
been completely lost here, but this is a known bug).
Then, I installed cElementTree because I knew it was nice to have it.
Something that would have considerably eased my life then would be a
command to check that the installation is complete. A kind of short
and user-friendly "bzr selftest":
$ bzr check-install
bzr works: yes
sftp works: no (missing pycrypto)
cElementTree installed: no (bzr will still run, but slower)
$ bzr check-install
bzr works: yes
sftp works: yes
cElementTree installed: yes
All dependancies and recommandations are satisfied
It should be relatively easy to implement, and would considerably
improve the first contact of beginners requiring to install bzr
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