[RFC]: preparing for Blob storage

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Tue May 30 09:24:31 BST 2006

On 27 May 2006, Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:

Just to expand on this a bit...

>  - revision listing is not possible in general, so the repository should
> only expose graph-traversal apis. I.e. no all_revision_ids,
> get_revision_graph requires a set of entry-points into the graph.

I submit this is a good thing regardless of format.  One long-term
desirable property is that as much as possible, operations shouldn't
care about how much irrelevant data is present in the repository.  If we
do get_revision_graph on a repository that happens to contain many
unrelated projects it will wastefully retrieve all of them; this
shouldn't be conceptually necessary for most operations.

What you can say is "get the history of this entry up to this revision".
Making sure that is fast is one important criteria for blob-based


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