Compiled PatienceDiff 50% faster than python implementation

Robey Pointer robey at
Mon May 29 21:09:36 BST 2006

On 28 May 2006, at 18:43, John Arbash Meinel wrote:

> I decided to play around with writing a compiled version of the
> PatienceDiff algorithm. I ended up writing it as a plugin, which is
> available from here:
> I use Boost.Python as the interfacing library, which lets you write  
> nice
> stuff that uses 'boost::python::object' or 'boost::python::list'
> classes. And you can easily "extract<int>(mylist[0][1])", etc.

Have you tried Pyrex?  I have nothing but good stuff to say about it  
-- it lets you write a kind of hybrid of C and python, then compiles  
it to C.


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