obtains logs of revisions from the date?

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Mon May 29 12:15:57 BST 2006

I try do 'bzr log -r date:some_date' but it emits only one revision.
When I do 'bzr log -r date:some_day..date:next_day' it gives me all
revisions from that date and one revision from next_day.

I don't understand how to obtain logs only for some_date without logs
for next_day?

Is it correct behaviour or I misunderstood how 'date:' should work?
I intuitively expect that when I run 'bzr log -r date:some_date' bzr
prints all revisions from this date. But it's not true, and even

And another one. In documentation I see example:

	The proper way of saying "give me all the log entries for today" 	is:
	$ bzr log -r date:yesterday..date:today

But it's does not work as expected. It prints only one revision for
today. Even if today I commit 5 revisions. So this is definitely the bug.

And why for needed 'date:tommorow'? If I understand correctly it should
point to first revision *after* tomorrow. We have the time machine?


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