[RFC] implementation of revno:N:branch revisionspec (and general remark about diff implementation)

Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at imag.fr
Sun May 28 19:14:43 BST 2006


I finally found time to give my old feature request for a
revno:N:branch revision specifier a try. Following is a patch
implementing it. It doesn't have a testcase yet, but seems to work for
me, and still passes "bzr selftest".

Any comments are welcome.

To use it, for example,

$ bzr diff -r \

will give you the diff between revision 1 and revision 2 of bzr's
upstream, downloading only the necessary files, and without requiring
any working tree or local branch.

=== modified file 'bzrlib/builtins.py'
--- bzrlib/builtins.py
+++ bzrlib/builtins.py
@@ -1052,6 +1052,8 @@
                 # FIXME diff those two files. rbc 20051123
                 raise BzrCommandError("Files are in different
             file_list = None
+        except NotBranchError:
+            tree1, tree2 = None, None
         if revision is not None:
             if tree2 is not None:
                 raise BzrCommandError("Can't specify -r with two

=== modified file 'bzrlib/diff.py'
--- bzrlib/diff.py
+++ bzrlib/diff.py
@@ -219,8 +219,13 @@
     import sys
     output = sys.stdout
     def spec_tree(spec):
-        revision_id = spec.in_store(tree.branch).rev_id
-        return tree.branch.repository.revision_tree(revision_id)
+        if tree:
+            revision = spec.in_store(tree.branch)
+        else:
+            revision = spec.in_store(None)
+        revision_id = revision.rev_id
+        branch = revision.branch
+        return branch.repository.revision_tree(revision_id)
     if old_revision_spec is None:
         old_tree = tree.basis_tree()

=== modified file 'bzrlib/revisionspec.py'
--- bzrlib/revisionspec.py
+++ bzrlib/revisionspec.py
@@ -149,7 +149,10 @@
             raise NoSuchRevision(branch, str(self.spec))
     def in_history(self, branch):
-        revs = branch.revision_history()
+        if branch:
+            revs = branch.revision_history()
+        else:
+            revs = None
         return self._match_on_and_check(branch, revs)
         # FIXME: in_history is somewhat broken,
@@ -190,10 +193,21 @@
     def _match_on(self, branch, revs):
         """Lookup a revision by revision number"""
-        try:
-            return RevisionInfo(branch, int(self.spec))
-        except ValueError:
-            return RevisionInfo(branch, None)
+        if self.spec.find(':') == -1:
+            try:
+                return RevisionInfo(branch, int(self.spec))
+            except ValueError:
+                return RevisionInfo(branch, None)
+        else:
+            from branch import Branch
+            revname = self.spec[self.spec.find(':')+1:]
+            other_branch = Branch.open_containing(revname)[0]
+            try:
+                revno = int(self.spec[:self.spec.find(':')])
+            except ValueError:
+                return RevisionInfo(other_branch, None)
+            revid = other_branch.get_rev_id(revno)
+            return RevisionInfo(other_branch, revno)


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