sftp problem

Alex Greif alex.greif at gmail.com
Sun May 28 14:06:42 BST 2006

Hi ,

I have severe problems with sftp from a windows PC to Suse linux.
on windows I use python 2.4.2 with
bzr 0.8.2
paramiko 1.6
pycrypto 2.0.1

I replaced the real IP with <ip>:
C:\alex\project>bzr branch
sftp://<ip>/home/agreif/bzrrepos/fotobuchxxl fotobuchxxl-dev
Connected (version 1.99, client OpenSSH_3.7.1p2)
bzr: WARNING: Adding ssh-dss host key for <ip>: 759D7623A7E9399F6414E9DABBB4689D
bzr: ERROR: exceptions.AttributeError: HostKeys instance has no
attribute '__setitem__'
  at bzrlib\transport\sftp.pyc line 763
  in _paramiko_connect

Any ideas?


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