[TERMINOLOGY] rename "changesets" to "revision bundles"

James Blackwell jblack at merconline.com
Sat May 27 06:47:25 BST 2006

> I was thinking of "bundle-revisions" as an alternative to "bundle",
> since John doesn't like it.  John says "I'm okay with bundle-revisions,
> but it seems a little long".

I'll betch you my nicest pair of shoes that a term like "bundle-revisions"
would get get shortened to bundle before docs got written.

I hit the fridge (refrigerator) for a tv (television) dinner. I may be out
and decide instead to get in the car (carriage, horseless carriage)/ auto
(automobile). I'll then buy some gas (gasoline) on my way to hit the king
(Burger king) for a burger (hamburger).

Kinda the same what that people seem to be calling shared repositories
just repositories. I bet that eventually gets shortened even more to repo.

My favorite would be ver/verset ("a set of 'viewable emailable
revisions'").  Turn a set of revisions into a verset, and apply it to get
a additioanal set of revisions back.  I also like revset. 

I'll spare you any terms about portable containers. 

My home page:   <a href="http://jblack.linuxguru.net">James Blackwell</a>
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