bzr-gui product name

John Arbash Meinel john at
Fri May 26 21:58:30 BST 2006

Szilveszter Farkas wrote:
> Hi Everybody,
> I'd like to ask for some help. I was accepted for Google SoC to work
> on a GUI for Bazaar-NG. My first task is to find a decent name for the
> application. The main point is that it shouldn't be something common
> (like bzr-gui). Martin suggested to use the name 'bzrk'. My suggestion
> is a bit different: 'Nymph' (from the Greek mythology - AFAIK there is
> no open source project with such name).
> Please feel free to add your suggestions. This topic is pretty
> important, because I have to file the spec and acceptance criteria
> under the new product in Launchpad by June, 5.
> Thanks for your time,
> Szilveszter

I like the name Nymph. I think its fun. But there does seem to be
another project using it:

It is a diskless workstation system. (alternative to LTSP)

I still would be okay with the name.

Though if you wanted to be sarcastic, you could call it 'Cathedral'. :)

Or you could go with the alternative name we have been kicking around,
and call it 'Olive'. (Our current bzr icon is a pair of crossed olive


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