Change from tla to bzr

Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at
Thu May 25 21:30:30 BST 2006

Szalay Attila <sasa at> writes:

> Hi All,
> On Thu, 2006-05-25 at 14:33 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>> Szalay Attila wrote:
>> > After some time every other
>> > developer synchronise his/her own branch to mainline to pick up other
>> > developers patches.
>> Does it have to be 'cherrypicked'? It seems like you could just merge
>> the changes.
> Yes, it's just a simple merge.
>> So you have 3 orthogonal patches, and then you want to cherry pick a new
>> 4th patch. Is that correct?
> No, it's not. I want to cherrypick the 1st _and_ the 4th without the 2nd
> and the 3rd.

One solution is to forbid cherrypicks to the mainline. When you need
to cherrypick, create a short-life submission branch, branched from
upstream, cherrypick your private changes into it, and then merge this
into upstream.

The advantage of this solution is that complex merges/cherrypicks are
done on the developers side, and have no influence on other people's


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