[rfc] Proposal: fake symlinks support on windows

John A Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue May 23 14:29:04 BST 2006

Martin Pool wrote:
> On 19 May 2006, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> wrote:


> Yes, +1 from me.  The patch is reposted below in case anyone else wants
> to review it.

Seems to have gone missing.

>>> To bring this into bzr proper I'd rather not patch the os module but
>>> rather update all callers to either go through bzrlib.osutils or the
>>> workingtree.
>> Hmmm...
>> Some tests explicitly call os.symlink/os.readlink and os.path.islink 
>> functions so make all symlinks operations go through workingtree is 
>> caused to make this tests fails on win32 with fake symlinks. Probably in 
>> this situation is better to provide osutils.* functions but this 
>> proposal was previously rejected by Aaron. Or may be provide osutils.* 
>> functions and include symlinks methods inside WorkingTree class and link 
>> this methods to corresponding osutils functions. In the latter case 
>> direct usage of os.symlink/os.readlink and os.path.islink functions 
>> should be vetoed for overall bzrlib code.
> I think that second case would be OK: provide functions in osutils that
> create the fake symlinks, and then WorkingTree can call them.  This
> allows some scope for creating fake symlinks even on Unix (though we may
> not be able to set the system bit.)  But what do Aaron and John think?

I think we need to be able to create fake symlinks on Unix, simply
because the test cases should be run whenever possible. (Having win32
only selftests causes problems because they aren't run very often).


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