Ann: Static build of Bazaar1x for Mac OS X PPC

Nicholas FitzRoy-Dale wzdd at
Tue May 23 02:09:50 BST 2006

John A Meinel wrote:
> I went ahead and uploaded it as an attachment to the download page, and
> added a link to it (just like the other dos and mac downloads).
> I changed the name slightly, though it would be nice if I knew what
> revision you built from, so that I could include that. (If you look at
> the page, it has a lot of old versions, all based on the patch level it
> was built from).
> If you want, you can update the links on that page to point to a page of
> your choosing. I tried to reference you properly.

Hi John,

Thanks very much for this! Confusingly, I can't see the link on that
page, and the change history only shows the new attachment. Was there
maybe a problem uploading that final change? I find Wikis a bit
confusing so I could easily be missing something obvious.

- Nicholas

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