Changesets feature complete

John Arbash Meinel john at
Mon May 22 19:54:26 BST 2006

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> | Probably. I just know of where to get stuff from you (my browser and
> | brain remember panoramicfeedback easier than code.aaronbentley).
> Yeah.  I am sorry about any time you wasted due to that mixup.
> | You might consider trying to keep the two in sync. But in the mean-time,
> | I'll just be more careful about where I get stuff from you.
> Hmm.  I do like rsyncing repos, because you know that everything has
> gone up. But perhaps I can use sftp push.
> Or no, I can't, because I'd need location configs to cascade.
> Anyhow, I just wanted to mention that I've fixed a bug in the
> last-modified handling (which wasn't caught previously, because
> last-modified isn't checked in the normal Testament).  Are you still
> planning to work on the refactoring?
> Aaron

If you are finding bugs, make the changes, and I'll incorporate them.

I've synced up to where you are, so new changes shouldn't be too difficult.


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