performance heads up...path2id

Robert Collins robertc at
Mon May 22 05:58:30 BST 2006

On Mon, 2006-05-22 at 00:33 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Robert Collins wrote:
> | Quite a bit of code uses 'path2id' routinely. This is a heads up - our
> | current datastructure makes that call relatively expensive - we split
> | the path and then walk the tree. Where possible, if you are doing loops
> | over trees or the like, try to use id's more often, or get and hold the
> | inventory entry of the file you are manipulating rather than looking it
> | up afresh each time.
> Yes, I knew that, but I was trying to avoid premature optimization.  I
> guess we've gotten to the point that it's not premature anymore.

Oh, its not just your code :). I wasn't naming names because there are
many culprits :).

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