[MERGE] bzr add should be less chatty about ignore rules

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Sat May 20 12:47:37 BST 2006

On Thu, 2006-05-18 at 21:38 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Michael Ellerman wrote:
> > I like the full list, but I can see that people with defective build
> > systems[1] might be annoyed by it. With a more conservative ignore
> > list I guess this is ok .. and it's merged anyway so .. :)
> I like the full list too.  Not that surprising, since I implemented it. 
>   I think there's a real risk now that a bunch of people will have their 
> files ignored and not realize it.
> It was nice that I didn't have to be the one making that argument, for once.

We can put it back. I wasn't checking mail frequently enough when it was
merged to see the dissension brewing.

However, its quite common on (say) a kernel tree to have many source
rules matched, and add isn't run once - its run regularly to pick up new
files. I don't see the change in risk between printing 'x files
ignored', and printing 15 or 20 lines of counts : I've only read the
entire list printed once or twice, and now its just noise.


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