w-changeset: merge errors out

John Dong jdong at ubuntu.com
Sat May 20 00:58:36 BST 2006

I'm not sure if it's a bug... but I just cloned a copy of your w-changeset
branch and tried to use it to merge from bzr.dev, and got this:

jdong at jdong-laptop:~/src/bzr/w-changeset$ ./bzr merge ../bzr.dev
bzr: ERROR: exceptions.IOError: [Errno 21] Is a directory
  at /home/jdong/src/bzr/w-changeset/bzrlib/builtins.py line 1957
  in run

bzr.log shows:

opening working tree u'/home/jdong/src/bzr/w-changeset/'
got branch format Bazaar-NG Metadir branch format 5
[ 6536] Fri 19:55:40.894 ERROR: exceptions.IOError: [Errno 21] Is a
  at /home/jdong/src/bzr/w-changeset/bzrlib/builtins.py line 1957
  in run
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jdong/src/bzr/w-changeset/bzrlib/commands.py", line 650, in
    return run_bzr(argv)
  File "/home/jdong/src/bzr/w-changeset/bzrlib/commands.py", line 612, in
    ret = run(*run_argv)
  File "/home/jdong/src/bzr/w-changeset/bzrlib/commands.py", line 246, in
    return self.run(**all_cmd_args)
  File "/home/jdong/src/bzr/w-changeset/bzrlib/builtins.py", line 1957, in
    reader = ChangesetReader(file(branch, 'rb'))
IOError: [Errno 21] Is a directory
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