Bazaar-NG vs. Mercurial -- speed comparison

James Blackwell jblack at
Fri May 19 16:31:45 BST 2006

On Thu, May 18, 2006 at 02:29:49PM -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> > You should grab it and use it.  It's very nice.  It imposes a one-time cost
> > when an attribute of a demand-loaded symbol is looked up; after that, the
> > importing namespace is patched with the real module, so there's no
> > subsequent cost.
> I agree. I put it on my todo list.

can you provide a way to build all the pycs if you do demand loading? I
maintain bzr on several machines with the following process to make sure
pyc files are available for all users:

 1. bzr update /usr/local/
 2. find . -name '*.pyc" | xargs rm
 3. ./bzr

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