api stability (was is_ignored improvements...)

Erik Bågfors zindar at gmail.com
Thu May 18 09:10:51 BST 2006

On 5/18/06, Martin Pool <mbp at canonical.com> wrote:
> On 17 May 2006, Aaron Bentley <aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca> wrote:
> > Jan Hudec wrote:
> > > It splits the WorkingTree.is_ignored method to ignored, which returns just
> > > a boolean and ignored_by, which returns the pattern. is_ignored is deprecated
> > > forwarder to ignored_by (to remain compatible).
> >
> > That raises an interesting question: 0.8 was supposed to be our API
> > stability release.  That would mean we can't deprecate anything until
> > post 1.0, or at least not anything important.  So what should we do in
> > cases like this?
> API stability doesn't mean not deprecating functions; it mostly means
> not removing them, and in particular not changing the meaning of
> existing interfaces.
> I think we should relax API stability from what was discussed prior to
> 0.8 -- freezing it too solidly now would be too soon.  Although many
> features are in place we still have work to do, particularly in
> performance, to get to a nice 1.0.  In any case, in Python it is rather
> hard to determine exactly what behaviour a bzrlib client may be relying
> on.
> I would prefer to focus on
>  * don't change existing apis gratuitously
>  * use deprecations to warn when something is going away and how
>    calling code should be updated
>  * improve api documentation and test coverage (so people know what apis
>    they're supposed to use)
>  * not letting any of these excessively impede actually improving bzr

I think being relaxed on allowing (carefully thought out) changes pre
1.0 (2.0?) and then allowing less changes after 1.0, makes more sence.
 After all, pre 1.0, it's expected that a system is in flux...


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