Bazaar-NG vs. Mercurial -- speed comparison

Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at
Thu May 18 08:47:13 BST 2006

"Andrew S. Townley" <andrew.townley at> writes:

> On Thu, 2006-05-18 at 07:37, Robey Pointer wrote:
>> (Honestly I thought sftp would spank http, I don't  
>> > know
>> > whether this is good or bad :)
>> I'm curious why you thought that, by the way...
> Plain HTTP will always be faster on like for like environments than
> sftp because you still have the overhead of the SSL key exchange

This is a constant, and should be negligible for large transfers.

> + the channel encryption with sftp

This should be CPU consuming, but most of the time, you're limited by
the bandwidth.

Then, you have many other important factors, such as whether the
connection is pipelined or not, which can give one or the other an


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