[patch][win32] improved(2) win32 packaging patch + [rfc]

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Thu May 18 07:13:02 BST 2006

On 15 May 2006, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> wrote:
> Martin Pool пишет:
> >On 10 May 2006, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> wrote:
> >>I rework my patch for win32 packaging stuff.
> [skip]
> >
> >+1 from me, anyone else?
> I seeking another +1 for my installer work.

If no one else replies I'll merge it.

> 1. Do installer should show License page with blocking installation when 
> user choose "No, I don't agree with license"? If this step (license 
> agreement) is mandatory then I need to have text of license to put into 
> bzr source tree and inside installer. Adding this step is easy enough. 
> (BTW, Mercurial installer for Windows has this step).

You can show the GPLv2 if you wish.  We should put a copy of this in
the tree.  Some GPl'd tools with graphical installers show it and some
do not; on the whole showing it is probably a good idea.

> 2. On some sites I read *legal warnings* that cryptographic libraries 
> and SSH tools might be illegal in some countries. At least on Putty page 
> [5] I see similar warning.  At this moment windows installer include all 
> possible libraries that require bzr to work in different modes. And 
> includes paramiko + pycrypto. I'm not lawyer so I ask to core 
> developers, in particular to Martin: is this important issue? If this 
> important then we probably could deal by one of two variants:
> a. Make 2 versions of installer (basic version -- without paramiko, and 
> full version with paramiko)
> b. Make one big version and give to user choice to select what 
> components to install.
> Variant b) is harder to implement. Variant a) only require 2 times more 
> room on the download server.

I'm not a lawyer either :-)

Historically there were problems with exporting crypto code from the
USA.  There is now an exemption that covers this kind of open source
software and in any case our server is in the United Kingdom, not the

The problem then is likely to be with people living in countries that do
not allow residents to use crypto.  As far as I know there are now
fairly few countries with such laws, and even in them they are
reportedly often ignored.

My suggestion for the moment is that you just include it, and if someone
says "I'd like to use it but it's illegal in Elbonia" then we can think
about making a second installer then.


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