[patch] paramiko-1.6 compatibility fix

Marien Zwart marienz at gentoo.org
Wed May 17 17:04:40 BST 2006

bzrlib.transport.sftp.SFTPServerWithoutSSH creates a
paramiko.SFTPServer with a FakeChannel as channel and calls
finish_subsystem on it. Starting with paramiko 1.6 this calls the
superclass finish_subsystem, which calls close() on the channel.
FakeChannel does not have a close() method, so that fails.

So far the only symptom of this I have found is a lot of "Exception
from within unit test server thread" warnings when running selftest
(it does not actually fail any tests).

The attached patch adds a noop close() method to FakeChannel, making
the tests quiet again.

-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'bzrlib/transport/sftp.py'
--- bzrlib/transport/sftp.py	
+++ bzrlib/transport/sftp.py	
@@ -1019,6 +1019,8 @@
                 return '1'
             def get_hexdump(self):
                 return False
+            def close(self):
+                pass
         server = paramiko.SFTPServer(FakeChannel(), 'sftp', StubServer(self), StubSFTPServer,
                                      root=self._root, home=self._server_homedir)

-------------- next part --------------
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