Documents, in bzr or wiki

Joseph Wakeling joseph.wakeling at
Mon May 15 17:21:08 BST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Erik Bågfors wrote:
> I would like us to create a new manual with a good structure, real
> thoughts on what should be included, and that should include
> tutorials.  I really find the darcs manual easy to use.
>  I also think that the
> documentation should be in the bzr branches, so that we can keep them
> up to date with the version in the branch and not with all versions
> out there.

That's definitely very important, and is key for people like me who
aren't really much cop at programming or computers but want to make
effective use of version control.  Bzr is a very nice, user-friendly
program and besides its functionality for advanced use, is wonderful as
a simple tool for programming beginners.

Erik Bågfors wrote:
> I would like us to create a new manual with a good structure, real
> thoughts on what should be included, and that should include
> tutorials.  I really find the darcs manual easy to use.
>  I also think that the
> documentation should be in the bzr branches, so that we can keep them
> up to date with the version in the branch and not with all versions
> out there.

- From this point of view something valuable could be not just
documentation on how to use bzr, but also on how to make good
updates/contributions to a code project---a "How to make effective
patches" type of thing, something which teaches you not just how to use
the tools but good practice for doing so.

As well as that I think it's important to maintain effective
back-documentation for all major versions, probably from 0.7 or 0.8 on.
 I started off VCS trying to use the kernel's git, but ran into trouble
because the version included in SUSE was some way behind the version
documented on git's website.  It would be nice to have a little box at
the top of a given page saying, "This is for bzr version ...." with
links below for earlier versions.

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