Bazaar-NG vs. Mercurial -- speed comparison

James Blackwell jblack at
Sun May 14 13:47:09 BST 2006

On Fri, May 12, 2006 at 10:24:13AM -0700, Diwaker Gupta wrote:
> Bryan Sullivan (of Mercurial) recently posted this benchmark:
> <>

He's not comparing apples to apples. He's comparing "bzr in bzr" to
"Hg in Hg". An accurate test would compare equivilant histories.

I would not be surprised if the timings were still dramatic. 

> I know that some of the speed difference is due to the fact that bzr
> doesn't need a specialized server at the other end point -- it can
> pull natively over HTTP, SFTP and so on. But in that case, I think we
> should emphasize this point strongly in the feature list. As someone
> who is new to both systems, the above speed comparison numbers will
> easily bias one towards Mercurial. I'm not saying Mercurial is bad --
> I use it on a daily basis and its *great*. All I'm saying is that bzr
> should play to its strengths.
> Diwaker
> -- 
> Web/Blog/Gallery:

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Gnupg 06357400  F-print AAE4 8C76 58DA 5902 761D  247A 8A55 DA73 0635 7400
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