[links] reading Daily Python

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Thu May 11 21:33:18 BST 2006

John A Meinel пишет:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> Reading Daily Python today I found several interesting links.
>> This pair could be useful for windows support improvements.
>> * Copy huge files on Windows avoiding system cache misbehaviour
>>     http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/496694
>>     This recipe uses pywin32 in order to copy files making use of
>>     the win32file.FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, which makes much more
>>     efficient use of the system cache (only a few megabytes are
>>     consumed instead of caching the whole file).
> Do we have any files that are more than a "few megabytes"? The largest
> weaves I've found were around 6MB, and while they will get bigger, with
> repositories I find that I copy them very rarely. It doesn't seem worth
> a lot of platform specific code.

I don't know is this recipe useful right now. But I wonder to know is it 
can be useful to solve this problem: 

I cannot reproduce problem, and probably I don't know what is *really* 
*big* sized tree.

> I think bzr should have a PyPI entry, and if possible, you should be
> able to use:
> easy_install bazaar-ng
 > And get cElementTree, paramiko, pycurl, etc. (Pycurl may not be as
 > important a dependency, but the other two are).

Creating easy_install-based installer require lot of works. I don't 
think it should be in main priority.

> Since Robey has one, maybe he knows what it takes to get a cheeseshop entry.

I have entry for intelhex module. I manually update information on PyPI. 
It's not hard.

But better to use built-in support of update PyPI entry via standard 
distutils itself.


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