[MERGE] test-progress-bars

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Thu May 11 02:24:22 BST 2006

On 10 May 2006, Aaron Bentley <aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca> wrote:
> Robert Collins wrote:
> > On Wed, 2006-05-10 at 08:02 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> > 
> >>I don't like the idea, because you won't see skipped tests and failed 
> >>tests this way. 
> > 
> > 
> > Skipped tests are still visible in -v mode, and failed tests are all
> > displayed at the end of the test run with their tracebacks, as normal.
> The current display is nice and compact.  To me, seeing
> success/skip/failure is more valuable than knowing exactly what stage
> we're at.

The incidental cleanups to remove cruft and make the library more
reentrant are nice anyhow.

To me the biggest drawback of using a progressbar is that it may obscure
any incidental output.  There shouldn't be any, but if there is I'd want
to see it.


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