Google SOC Bazaar-gui

Jan Geboers hiding.out at
Tue May 9 08:52:35 BST 2006

Hello Martin and Szilvester,

I can tell you already that I am very grateful that you are considering my
I will definately not let you down if you give me the opportunity to work on
this project.
About the slicing of the project,
I don't have any strong preference for either of the tasks.
Some people say of me that I'm very flexible, so I won't start to be
stubborn today ;-)
I can agree on the partitions that Martin made.
Already I'm getting excited to work on this, I believe it's going to be an
interesting summer indeed!
I eagerly await the official results from google about who got accepted and
Any more questions or suggestions are always welcome, I will do my best to
accomodate the wishes of
the Bazaar developers as completely as I can.

Best regards,

Jan Geboers from Belgium

On 5/9/06, Martin Pool <mbp at> wrote:
> Hi Jan, Szilvester,
> You have both expressed interest in working on a bzr GUI for the
> Google Summer of Code.  We'd be very happy to work with both of you.
> As I understand it, each student must have a project of their own.
> However I think there is certainly enough scope in the GUI projects
> for two people to work on it.  I suggest we try to divide the GUI up
> so that you both have an area of your own.
> One possible division is into functions related to looking at history
> and to doing new work:
> history:
>    * search through history
>    * view graph of revisions (already in 'bzr visualise' plugin but
> could be improved)
>    * annotation of particular files (already in 'bzr gannotate', ditto)
> new work:
>    * show working tree, with status of all files
>    * select particular files to commit
>    * perhaps some integration to the 'shelf' command that lets you
> move work out of the way
>    * interactive conflict resolution
>    * graphical annotation against current work or conflicted files
> There is plenty of scope in either area for new creative features
> that I haven't listed here.
> So, do either of you have preferences for one or the other, or does
> anyone else want to suggest a different way to slice it?
> --
> Martin

hiding.out at
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