[rfc] bzrlib.doc.api doctests as txt files

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Wed May 10 05:11:43 BST 2006

On  9 May 2006, Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:
> > What do you think about? Just skip this test in bzr.exe is enough?
> yes, skip it in bzr.exe.
> We should skip most of the test suite in installed forms anyway IMO. The
> developer regression suite, and the 'am I working here' tests are very
> different.

That's OK with me too.

I used to think it was very important that it should be possible to run
the tests from the installed library, but I don't think so anymore.
People who are trying to test it on a new platform can get the source
easily enough, and I think the only variations between running from the
source and installed versions are when we've forgotten to add something
to setup.py.

If we go down this road we should probably have the main tests run by
something that's in the source directory and not installed, e.g. the old


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