[PATCH] use "! /usr/bin/env python" in generate_docs.py

Lars Wirzenius liw at liw.iki.fi
Wed May 10 00:30:45 BST 2006

ke, 2006-05-10 kello 00:33 +0200, Robert Widhopf-Fenk kirjoitti:
> === modified file 'generate_docs.py'
> --- generate_docs.py	
> +++ generate_docs.py	
> @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
> -#!/usr/bin/python
> +#! /usr/bin/env python

On my system, this will still invoke version 2.3 of Python. To get
Python 2.4, the script needs invoke the command python2.4 explicitly.

> Absolute paths should not be used for python.

I have not found any better solution than having a configure script 
determine the full path to the preferred interpreter and then putting
that into the hashbang upon installation.

I'm not objecting to the patch, though, even if it doesn't solve the
problem for me.

Fundamental truth #1: Complexity is the enemy.

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