bzr 0.8 win32 installer

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Tue May 9 13:30:40 BST 2006

Henry Ludemann пишет:
> Hi, thanks for doing the installer.
> 2. I did a test 'bzr init', 'bzr add', 'bzr commit -m "blah"' to test
> import time (the tree contains around 160MB of source), and 'bzr commit'
> failed with 
> bzr: ERROR: File exists:
> u'C:/Builds/UBIHL1_bugfixes/.bzr/repository/knits/77':[Errno 17] File
> exists

Very strange. I don't try the big-sized commit but I use bzr.exe right 
now for testing and for continue development of windows installer. And 
it works without error. I need to see .bzr.log.

> I'm not to sure where the bzr log file is (or even it there is one)...
> I'm happy to help tracking down the problem.

.bzr.log could be in C:\ root directory or in C:\Document and 
Settings\your-user-name\ directory. If you have python installed then 
try to see where it is by this test:

start python
 >>> import os
 >>> os.path.expanduser('~')

In the oldest version of bzr I create patch that prints out location of 
.bzr.log for windows users. But now this code is gone. I don't sure how 
the best way to show the user where .bzr.log is. Probably via some sort 
of pre-installed plugin?


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