[MERGE] test-progress-bars
Robert Collins
robertc at robertcollins.net
Tue May 9 11:49:14 BST 2006
http://people.ubuntu.com/~robertc/baz2.0/test-pb has an updated, and now
working correctly, selftest using progress bars.
Diff attached against .dev.
The output looks like:
./bzr selftest
running tests...
bzr: /home/robertc/source/baz/test-pb/bzr
bzrlib: /home/robertc/source/baz/test-pb/bzrlib
/home/robertc/source/baz/test-pb/bzrlib/transport/ftp.py:411: UserWarning: There are no FTP transport provider tests yet.
warn("There are no FTP transport provider tests yet.")
[======================== ] ..._detection 1039/2321TODO for merging: create a corrupted knit.
[=================================================== ] ....test_body 2241/2321/home/robertc/.bazaar/plugins/email/tests/testemail.py:88: DeprecationWarning: bzrlib.branch.initialize was deprecated in version 0.8.
self.branch = Branch.initialize('.')
/home/robertc/.bazaar/plugins/email/tests/testemail.py:89: DeprecationWarning: bzrlib.branch.BzrBranch5.working_tree was deprecated in version 0.8.
self.branch.working_tree().commit('foo bar baz\nfuzzy\rwuzzy', rev_id='A',
[=====================================================] ..._two_hunks 2305/23211 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file test_file.rej
[=====================================================] OK 2321/2321
Ran 2321 tests in 308.639s
The multiple lines are due to 'test stipple' - output being generated by
comments output to stdout during the test suite. We shouldn't have any
of this, so its a good prompt to fix them.
selftest -v operates unaltered with this patch, so when you care for
checking specific tests you can still do that.
What do you all think? I find this much nicer than no output or dots,
because it marks how far the progress has to go.
branch.py | 20 ----
progress.py | 7 +
revision.py | 45 ----------
tests/__init__.py | 166 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
tests/blackbox/__init__.py | 22 ++++-
tests/blackbox/test_selftest.py | 19 ++++
tests/test_revision.py | 44 ----------
tests/test_selftest.py | 171 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
tests/test_transactions.py | 14 ---
trace.py | 15 ++-
ui/text.py | 14 ++-
11 files changed, 352 insertions(+), 185 deletions(-)
GPG key available at: <http://www.robertcollins.net/keys.txt>.
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