Google SOC Bazaar-gui

Martin Pool mbp at
Tue May 9 03:45:31 BST 2006

Hi Jan, Szilvester,

You have both expressed interest in working on a bzr GUI for the  
Google Summer of Code.  We'd be very happy to work with both of you.

As I understand it, each student must have a project of their own.   
However I think there is certainly enough scope in the GUI projects  
for two people to work on it.  I suggest we try to divide the GUI up  
so that you both have an area of your own.

One possible division is into functions related to looking at history  
and to doing new work:

   * search through history
   * view graph of revisions (already in 'bzr visualise' plugin but  
could be improved)
   * annotation of particular files (already in 'bzr gannotate', ditto)

new work:
   * show working tree, with status of all files
   * select particular files to commit
   * perhaps some integration to the 'shelf' command that lets you  
move work out of the way
   * interactive conflict resolution
   * graphical annotation against current work or conflicted files

There is plenty of scope in either area for new creative features  
that I haven't listed here.

So, do either of you have preferences for one or the other, or does  
anyone else want to suggest a different way to slice it?


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