Public Impressions

Robert Collins robertc at
Tue May 9 01:39:52 BST 2006

On Mon, 2006-05-08 at 14:08 +1000, Martin Pool wrote:

> Part of the issue is that fixes from Alexander have taken too long to  
> come in.  In general I try to reproduce the problem fixed by a patch  
> to evaluate it.  But if the problem is only on Windows then it tends  
> to wait until I can run it there, which may be a while, and there is  
> a negative spiral.  Much better to have some people maintaining  
> Windows support, and review their patches but not block them.

For scaling, devs should only test patches on the platforms immediately
available to them. If a patch from a windows dev works for them and
doesn't break linux, that should be enough [assuming it passes the 3
criteria for any patch we documented way back - test coverage, code
clarity, design clarity.].

> I for one would be happy to give Alexander PQM access, if he wants it.

Fine by me to.

> PQM itself is not quite ideal - pushing and then sending mail is a  
> bit indirect and creates a little extra work.

Use the pqm-submit plugin, and teach it to do 'bzr push' first :).


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