Pulling multiple branches in the same repository

Erik Bågfors zindar at gmail.com
Mon May 8 08:57:14 BST 2006

Hi.  I pulled bzr.dev and bzr.0.8 at the same time, into the same
repository, and I got the following error message.

: [bagfors at zyrgelkwyt]$ ; bzr pull
Using saved location: http://bazaar-vcs.org/bzr/bzr.0.8/
bzr: ERROR: Could not acquire lock
UserWarning: file group
url=/home/bagfors/src/bzr/bzr.0.8/.bzr/branch/>) was not explicitly
  warn("file group %r was not explicitly unlocked" % self)
[Exit 3 ]

pulling again works...

I understand that there is a locking issue here, but I see two
problems with this
1) The error message is really bad.  Will confuse a user
2) When adding multiple developers on multiple branches, I think not
allowing two of them to work on different branches (at least) at the
same time, will give problems.  This might mean that bzr has problems
scaling up to a large number of users on the same repository (and
branch for that matter)


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