french step-by-step howto

Martin Pool mbp at
Mon May 8 04:31:56 BST 2006

On 08/05/2006, at 2:39 AM, guillaume pernot wrote:

> hi,
> i've started a step-by-step howto in french, called "Packaging  
> Hello World"
> it's currently hosted here (this will change in a short future) :
> i'm not very used to bzr, so it's also a tutorial for myself ;)
> the goal is to customize existing debian packages, and track these
> modifications (this is not already done in this tutorial).
> could french readers of this list send me comments about this ? are  
> there any
> outrageous errors ?

Unfortunately I don't speak French - but do you think you could put  
this on the wiki instead?


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