Simplified Tutorial

Erik Bågfors zindar at
Sun May 7 12:03:29 BST 2006

> >> - If /path/to/repo exists and has files already, shouldn't we use "bzr
> >> init" followed  by "bzr add"?
> >
> > Nope. /path/to/repo is just a shared repository, not a branch. A
> > repository cannot contain any files (only revisions and branches). The
> > branches in the repository does not have working trees, so a checkout
> > has to happen to add files to it.  Same as in svn I think... at least
> > that's how I've always worked with svn.
> >
> > /Erik
> Are you trying to be simplified or complete with your statement? If you
> are trying to be simplified, you are close enough. But if you do:

Simplified, The answer was about what should be included in the document.

> bzr init-repo --trees /path/to/repo

Yeah, well, branches in repositories with working trees, that can be
very confusing for SVN/CVS users, I think it should be excluded out of
a document like this.


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