Simplified Tutorial

John Arbash Meinel john at
Fri May 5 17:50:54 BST 2006

I've been playing around with simplifying the bzr tutorial. The one we
have has a lot of great information, but I think it is a little bit too
wordy. For people who just want a step-by-step to get up and running, I
think we could strip out a lot of stuff.

I've been sort of following Mercurial's tutorial, and the tutorial.txt file.

Attached is a rough draft of a start at something more streamlined.
I've also included a css style file. Which while not great, still looks
a lot better than the default.

To compile to html install docutils and run:
rst2html --stylesheet=default.css \
	--link-stylesheet simple_tutorial.txt simple_tutorial.html

I also published some of this at:

I'm happy with some of the texts, and I think my definition of
WorkingTree/Branch/Repository terms coupled with how they get used is
fairly nice. I'm guessing I don't have it in the right place in the
tutorial, but I think it helps give people a way to wrap their heads
around bzr's complexity.

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