Public Impressions

John Arbash Meinel john at
Fri May 5 17:14:47 BST 2006

John Yates wrote:
>> 3) Consider changing the program name. A lot of people don't like to
>> type "bzr". My co-worker aliased it to "bar", because then his pinky
>> doesn't have to move as much. It would be great if we could find
>> something that only used home-row keys. The other problem with bzr on
>> Qwerty is that it reuses the same finger for b & r (on dvorak it uses 3
>> fingers, but the letters are just as spread out).
>> Other than 'bar', I can't come up with any good combinations from the
>> letters "bazaar". I suppose baa is pretty easy to type :)
> In light of the recent icon discussion how about renaming the project
> olive, abbreviation olv?  Yes, on qwerty 'o' and 'l' both require the
> ring finger but in my experience that is radically easier to perform
> reaching left pointer, left pinky (especially when both are on the
> lower row).
> I have no idea where olv falls on a dvorak keyboard.
> /john

I doubt that would really go forward. I find olv just as hard to type on
either keyboard. On qwerty you type 'ol' with the same finger and in
order, so you kind of 'stutter'. On dvorak olv 'l' is on the top row,
typed by the pinky, and 'v' is on the bottom row, typed by the ring
finger. So you really have to stretch.

Plus, I do agree that a name change at this point would not be wise.


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