[PATCH] send external diff to a file (bug 4047)

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Fri May 5 08:21:50 BST 2006

On 05/05/2006, at 5:12 PM, James Henstridge wrote:

> [...]
>> These imports should really happen at the module level, not inside  
>> the
>> diff function.
> Is this a new coding guideline for bzr?  I noticed a lot of other
> functions that contain imports (including this one), so I just
> followed the existing style.  I guessed that this was to remove the
> cost of the imports if the function in question did not get called.
> If the recommended style has changed, I can fix things up.

The general rule is to put them at the top level unless either:

  - importing them later would substantially reduce the cost
  - or importing them later is the best way to resolve a dependency  


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