0.8 release plans

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Thu May 4 02:37:23 BST 2006

By way of an update:

   * alexander's small encoding fix - +1, mbp will merge

   * alexander's readonly-file-win32 fix - +1, mbp will merge

   * reweave parent ordering - done, robertc

   * break-lock command - robertc will do

   * olaf's renaming to metaweave - +1, mbp will merge

   * olaf's bzr info enhancements to show lock info - +1, robertc  
will merge

   * sftp push requires a working tree - done, robertc

   * no diff prefix by default - mbp will do

   * doc & wiki updates for new functions

I know there are lots of other good patches around; I'm keen to merge  
them but beyond this the only things for this are:

  - user-visible interface changes that we would otherwise  
immediately revert in the next release (diff prefix, metaweave)

  - critical function or data loss bugs

John, Aaron, please hold off on merging to bzr.dev anything that's  
not on this list without first asking in a email with subject  
containing "0.8".


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