0.8 release plans

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Wed May 3 19:26:33 BST 2006

Martin Pool пишет:
> Here are the things I think we must do:
>  - get another +1 and merge Alexander's small encoding fix

I'd like to see this patch approved for 0.8. But all should remember 
that it's only temporary fix. In the 0.8.1 or 0.9 this patch should be 
replaced with John's encodings work.

I need more time to review his patch/branch because of big size of patch 
and changes. And because not all encodings tests is passed on my 
machine. So I need some time to analyze: is this tests failed because 
windows-specific reasons or just my computer does not handle some subset 
of unicode. Also I think that John's encodings work can be improved in 
the point of determine real encoding of console (based on check of 
stdout/stdin attributes).


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