[PATCH] FTP transport append()

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Sun Apr 30 23:16:57 BST 2006

On Sat, 2006-04-22 at 22:37 +0200, Alexandre Saint wrote:
> First, thanks for your review John.

BTW, we're looking for someone to write a FTPServer like the
bzrlib.transport.http/HttpServer and so on, so that the FTP transport
can be tested for conformance. If you'd like to find a python ftp server
we can use for that (it can be optional) it would be fantastic.

> BTW, I noticed that the 'mode' parameter is now used in the append() method of
> several transports. But it is not present in the definition of append() in the
> base Transport class (bzrlib/transport/__init__.py). Shouldn't it be there?

Yes, it should be.

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