[RFC] metaweave format

Olaf Conradi oohlaf at gmail.com
Sun Apr 30 22:40:20 BST 2006

On 29/04/06, John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:
> If we are only going to mention one format, I would tend to say it as:
> "The recommended format is 'knit'".
> I think we are honestly planning to support all of the formats, so
> saying 'knit' is the only supported one is wrong.
> Maybe this:
> Specify the format for this branch. Current options are: default, knit,
> metaweave, and weave. default=knit, metaweave and weave are deprecated.
> It is a little bit long, but I think it is honest.
> Because it is long, and probably more confusing/distracting, I would
> tend to move the help text into some sort of advanced section. And do
> something like:
> Specify the format for this branch. See "bzr help branch-formats" for
> more information.
> At present, we don't have a good mechanism for detailed extra help (at
> least that I know of). But I think that would be useful to have.
> It would also help us for "bzr help revision-specs", which we have long
> had issues with.
> Attached is kind of a prototype of that system. There could certainly be
> other ways of doing it. What do people think?

I agree, a bzr help formats and bzr help revisionspec (with short form
revspec) would be nice to users.


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