Tiny problem with knits and http (double-encoding?)

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Sat Apr 29 17:54:44 BST 2006

Lalo Martins wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Apr 2006 11:10:08 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>> Lalo Martins wrote:
>>> dpkg -s apache2 | grep '^Version'
>>> Version: 2.0.54-5ubuntu1
>> I got an error which reports itself as Apache 1.3.33
> That's probably what JBlack has running the proxy.  Yay for funky setups
> with xen.
> BTW, upon local experimentation, I found that the proxy is removing
> exactly one level of quoting; so if I try "%25254dfoo" it works.
> My fear is -- how common is this setup going to be?  Are people going to
> serve bzr repos from behind percent-eating proxies?  Apache 1.3 seems to
> be one of the most common proxies out there.  Does squid have this bug?
> best,
>                                                Lalo Martins

Well, I just tried again, and it worked for about 2 minutes (maybe you
took it out from behind the reverse proxy).

I was searching, and in Apache 1.3, mod_rewrite:

has a flag for "noescape". But I don't think that does exactly what we want.

I think it is bad form for a proxy engine to do this. But it would
probably depend on how the engine rewrites things.

There may be possibilities for HTTPTransport to be aware that it needs
to do one more layer of escaping if we have to. Something like a
~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf entry which has a list of either regexes or just
server names, which if HTTPTransport binds against one of them, it adds
another level of urllib.quote() when sending requests to that server.

Attached is a patch which doesn't do any host-name/config based setup.
But I did test it, and I was able to grab a branch of your "vos" project.

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