Brian M. Carlson sandals at crustytoothpaste.ath.cx
Fri Apr 28 14:37:11 BST 2006

On Thu, 2006-04-27 at 18:48 -0400, Ivan Krstic wrote:
> Robert Collins wrote:
> > 20060427
> Now's the time to get a better mail client ;)

Commentary below from Martin Pool on 20050915[0]:

> Robert will also be sending his payslips to this list for everyone's
> edification. :-)
> What Robert sent was an example of a little management tool we use at
> Canonical to keep things under control in a totally distributed
> company.  Every day, each person sends a description of what they did
> during the day.  At first it seemed like an imposition but I'm coming
> to find it quite an interesting time management tool.  Being reminded
> of what you got done in a day is develops a sense of both priority and
> perspective.  (It is not (they tell me) necessary to work 9am to
> 8:30pm though. :)

As far as the mail client goes, I use evolution and I've never managed
to send something to the wrong destination.  This could be because I
usually save stuff as drafts first, so that I don't say something I
regret later[1]. :-)

[0] That's the last time Robert did that. ;-)
[1] Unfortunately, it's happened before.
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