[PING] Request: please add to 0.8 release --no-prefix option to diff command

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Fri Apr 28 10:35:28 BST 2006

On 26 Apr 2006, John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:
> Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 26, 2006 at 08:00:17PM +0200 I heard the voice of
> > Goffredo Baroncelli, and lo! it spake thus:
> >> I suggest to rename the --prefix option to a less generic
> >> --diff-prefix option; [...]
> > 
> > All this is good and useful, to be sure, but I'm pretty sure somebody
> > is about to go grab a chef's knife and deliver 0.8 by Caesarian if it
> > doesn't pop out on its own right quick, so let's just get the
> > --no-prefix that we already have in place so we can at least choose
> > format for the release.  Then we can get back to arguing about what
> > the default should be and how to choose additions   8-}

What an image. :-)

> Part of the extra concern for 0.8 is that it is going to be the official
> release for dapper (Ubuntu 06.06). So we are trying to get a fairly
> polished version written.
> And when 0.8 is released, it will be supported for quite a while, and we
> have to worry about backwards compatibility.
> I do understand your point, though. And we do need to balance getting
> things into the release versus actually getting the release. :)
> What is Dapper's freeze schedule? I suppose we could follow that to
> determine when we need feature freeze for bzr. (It may have already
> gotten there).

Dapper is now in beta, and (as I understand it) is meant to be only
taking bugfixes from here on.  (Obviously there is room for argument
about precisely what is a bug fix vs new work.)

I am treating bzr as in bugs-only-freeze too at the moment.  I should
have communicated that more clearly before, and will try to make the
freeze points clearer in the future.

Clearly the issue of diff filename prefixes does cause enough pain that
it should be fixed for 0.8.

So for now I'm just going to merge Goffredo's patch (with a string typo
fix) and we can enhance it in the future.


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