Filesystem paths

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu Apr 27 20:02:58 BST 2006

Jan Hudec wrote:


>> So while you *can* type file://C|/foo, you can also just type "foo".
> Just on a side-note, there is no reason to replace the : following drive
> letter with | -- the proper url is 'file:///C:/foo'

I'm trying to track down where file:///C|/ came from.As I've seen it
before. It is a little bit hard to google it. Do you have an official
reference for what is allowed?

It would seem that we should at least *support* file:///C|/ => C:\, but
whether we are required to map it or not is a question.

I found this thread:

But it didn't really solve the problem.

I think the reason for escaping the : is that it could be interpreted as
a URL scheme.

I can also say that in Python we have url2pathname which
*does* change the : to |

The biggest issue with nturl2path is that it *doesn't* handle '/' as a
path separator. So I don't think it would work for us.


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