pre-commit hooks and $Id$ banners?

John Yates jyates at
Wed Apr 26 17:38:29 BST 2006

On Tuesday, 2006-04-25 Jan Hudec wrote:

> IMO an only way to maintain overall sanity is to define 'internal' and
> 'external' representation and convert 'external'->'internal' on EVERY
> and 'internal'->'external' on EVERY write.

I assume that 'internal' would be platform independent while 'external'
would be at least platform dependent and possibly configurable.

>                                             Well, actually an
exception would
> be diff -- we should be able to produce BOTH diff of external and of
> representations.

I would hope that if I had not edited a file the presence of expanded
keywords would not lead diff output.  Many script authors assume two
are identical if their diff is empty.

>                   Not that it's too important for keywords, but
newline style
> and charset conversion should use the same mechanism.

Hear! Hear!


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